Video Installation & Music Event 2012
Concept, Visuals & Execution :
Room Division, Galerie Tristesse Deluxe & Das Scharf
Photography by David Fdez
Visuals by Dominique Chouchani
Location: WHITE SAGE [ Berlin, Germany]
A tribute to the video artist Nam June Paik, titled Perceiving Everyday Life through a Dead TV. This exhibition evolves around the world of Television through the eyes of various Television monitors that serve as projection screens where a new form of mapping is introduced. This exhibition refers to Mood-Art, a dream that the artist Paik had where sound and images are interraleted in their functions. How can we transmit such audio impressions extracted from everyday life from a simple radio add to a supermarket announcement to a visual stimuli in moving colors and shapes? In reflecting the constant TV-Attack such as News and Advertising, we introduce in our video work a new form of perceiving and interpreting everyday life.Our images , mainly based on reality material, are manipulated in their position, shape and form; By projecting constant content through various interfaces, we overwhelm our public with the amount of visual information,creating a kaleidoscopic effect.Our viewer is unable to recognize the principle of order and is drowned in a world of visual chaos. Our visuals reflect a storytelling chaos where our viewer would face a so-called Television Experience; By transforming reality, this exhibition underlines the impact of the information given to us everyday and how they can serve to reflect a world of living colors and motions.